Jesse is the Brother of my 4th Great Grandfather - William B. Prosser.


Jesse Prosser was born between 1796 - 1802 and he died between 1842-1846 probably in Marion Co., TN. His wife has not been identified yet. Jesse and his Unidentified Wife had the following 3 Children:


William B.

b: 1828,   d: after 1880


Salina Adeline GREEN

b: about 1827,   d: after 1870


Elizabeth HILL

b: between 1823-25,   d: after 1870

NOTE:  Between 1845 - 1846, all three of Jesse's children suddenly went to St. Louis, Missouri. Elizabeth had married in Marion Co., TN before the trip to Missouri, and William and Salina married in Missouri; Although I believe their father Jesse died in Marion Co., TN - it is also possible that he too accompanied his 3 children to Missouri, but died shortly after arriving there.

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Email Bob Tobin