1798 Abstract of the will of Rev. John Dickens


(REF:  Abstracts of Wills, Halifax County, North Carolina - 1760 - 1830; by: Susie Brickell Anderson, 1947 -  Will Book #3, Page 341)


Will of:   John Dickens

Preamble:   "of city of Philadelphia - unworthy preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ"

Wife:   Elizabeth

Children:   NOT NAMED - simply stated:  "our dear children"

Executors:   Wife & Mr. Thomas Haskins, Grocer of Philadelphia 

Witnesses:   Caleb North, Henry Manley 

Dated:   September 16, 1798 (see Note #1)

Proven:    May 1800 Court

NOTE #1:  Although the author's transcription date shows: "September 16, 1793" - this is a known error and should read: September 16, 1798; the 1798 date is proven through other NC will indexes, and the fact that it was also filed in PA with the date of September 16, 1798; REFERENCE:  NORTH CAROLINA WILLS: A Testator Index 1665 – 1900, by Thornton W. Mitchell, page 135, in WB-3, page 341: a John Dickens died in Pennsylvania , but, left his will 1798 in Halifax Co., NC. 


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