1790 Abstract of the will of Benjamin Dickens


(REF:  Abstracts of Wills, Halifax County, North Carolina - 1760 - 1830; by: Susie Brickell Anderson, 1947 -  Will Book #3, Page 225)


Will of:   Benjamin Dickens

Wife:   Anne

Daughter's:   Mary Ward, Elizabeth Wilson, Ann Lowry, Martha & Delphia Dickens

Sons:    Benjamin, Lewis, Ephriam1 (dec'd) - Estate from their Grandmother;

Richard, William

Grandson:    Thomas Lowry

Executors:    Sons: Benjamin, Lewis, William 

Witnesses:    John Alsobrook, Ephriam Dickens2, James Slatter 

Dated:    November 24, 1790

Proven:    May 1794 Court

NOTE:  In the context of this abstract - the word "Deceased" is entered next to the first instance of Benjamin's son "Ephriam1". So, without seeing the complete will, it is not known if the first instance of Ephriam1 and the second instance - the witness Ephriam2, are the same Ephriam.


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