1828 will of Henry Dickens Sr.

(NOTE:  The image below is a line for line transcription & digital-art reproduction of the original will)





The image of Henry Dickens' will above is a line by line transcription & digital-art reproduction of the microfilmed handwritten copy, as the original image if posted here would be too difficult to read.  A copy of the original will as it was handwritten by the clerk "J. Pickett" in January of 1829 in Smith County Will Book Number 3, is available at the "Tennessee State Library and Archives (TSLA)" on microfilm;  a summary transcription is also available at TSLA in the book:  "Smith County Tennessee Wills 1803-1896, by: F.C. Key, Sue W. Maggart, and Jane C. Turner, Carthage, TN 1985". However, some of the names as transcribed by the authors in their book are NOT what the handwritten will (court record) says. 


Also, note the date error by the clerk... instead of writing "Recorded 14 January 1829" he accidentally wrote "Recorded 14 January 1828".



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